
We have mated queens available for pick-up in Sartell beginning __.

These are proven queens that have laid up 3-4 frames of solid brood by now. They were grafted in March 2022 so they are new young queens. The only reason we are pulling these queens is that we are making room for a new line of purchased queens we bought which are more mite resistant. In short, we are selling the best ones, and the rest meet the hive tool. We will be grafting off of there and will have queens into August.

Our queens are a mix of genetics from MN Hygienic, Russian, and Mike Palmar overwintered queens from cold northern Vermont. From these, we select for honey production and calm gentle bees. All breeder queens are then Hygienic tested and must pass as 100% Hygienic. Finally, nuc queens are grafted from this selected stock. We take pride in our queens.

Your queen will be guaranteed for 30 days to be laying eggs. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about your queen’s health.

Regular price $__ — On sale now for $__!

To order, call or text Paul at 320-333-0069.